FollowFox — I Spent $348 and Here Is My Review

Earle Slater
6 min readJul 24, 2021

It’s 2021. Did you know? Or am I really THAT slow at keeping up with current trends?! I think somewhat of a crashing realisation hit me when lockdown first started. Said realization being that EVERYTHING is online. More specifically the realisation that, if I wanted my business to succeed, I needed the best fighting chance I could get to ensure that my online presence reached its full potential.

I’m a small business owner. Back in 2018, I wanted to use my passion for bags and accessories and subsequently, we decided to create an array of different leather bags and try to sell them online. I had gone through tons of different options in terms of selling and advertising. The sheer number of options available can be daunting enough to any new business. I’d done my research and decided to go with FollowFox. Before reading the below review, it’s important to note that this was MY specific experience with them. Yours may well differ but, nonetheless, I’ve tried to lay out the information as clearly and honestly as I can.

My Instagram account Before and After FollowFox

What is FollowFox?

FollowFox is a service that offers assistance with boosting your Instagram account. They consist of a team of trained experts in the field of real, organic Instagram growth. What does this mean exactly? I had exactly the same question! Essentially, this means that not only are FollowFox GUARANTEED to build up your Instagram growth, but they do so by gaining you followers that are genuinely interested in your product or page. They offer a 100% human-powered service and are always on hand to give you one-to-one advice and updates.

They really go above and beyond in terms of customer service. From the get-go, you’re assigned your own Account Manager who is essentially contactable 24/7 for any questions or queries. Their one goal is your Instagram account growth, and are pretty passionate about it, too.

One of the biggest problems with social media growth companies nowadays is whether or not they are legit. We’ve all seen it, pop-ups claiming to increase your Instagram or Facebook growth or followers, all for some too-good-to-be-true price. It’s no wonder that we air on the side of caution with such companies. In my experience, though, FollowFox is totally trustworthy. From the beginning, I was put into contact with my Account Manager who reassured my doubts and kept me up to date the whole way through. As you’ll find out during my review, the results pretty much speak for themselves….

Sales Dynamics, Before And After FollowFox

How my sales went up after tried FollowFox

Pros: What I Like About FollowFox

I think that pros and cons should be listed really clearly when reviewing a service. I don’t believe in dressing something up or down, so i’m just going to tell it how it is. The biggest pros of FolllowFox’s service, at least for me, were:

  • Personalized, individual service. You are assigned TWO members of the team to assist you. A Growth Expert, who works specifically and exclusively on increasing your Instagram growth, and an Account Manager, who will be your go-to person during the whole process. Your Account Manager will answer any and all of your questions, keep you up to date, and make any adjustments to your strategy. They are literally always available to help — major pro.
  • You see results fast. It’s always a bit daunting to spend money on something new, when you’re not entirely sure when (or even if) you’ll see results. FollowFox alleviated those fears for me pretty much straight away. I saw 832 followers within the first month.
  • Their Dashboard feature. Here, you can access your weekly, monthly and yearly growth, all detailed in an easy-to-understand format. Log on at any time to access your personalized IG growth information.
  • Secure payments. FollowFox offers 100% secure payments, meaning your financial details will not be left vulnerable online.
  • Last but by no means least, their sign-up page. It’s so easy to get started. Literally tell them your details and what it is you’re trying to achieve, and you’re good to go.

Cons: What I Don’t Like About FollowFox

I’ve had to really wrack my brain here, and to be honest, with the results and service I’ve received, it’s quite hard to think of any real cons. However..

  • FollowFox cannot guarantee a certain number of followers by a specific time. This is simply down to the fact that it is ORGANIC growth that is being achieved. This can make it somewhat unpredictable and difficult to ascertain the actual amount of growth you’ll see by a certain time.

How Does FollowFox Work?

A good question. And this is a part of the beauty of FollowFox!

Based on your industry and target audience, FollowFox will research similar pages to yours, or pages which can be followed by your target audience, as well as the hashtags that your target audience engage with

Following this, FollowFox will engage with these audiences by following them, liking 2–3 photos from the account, viewing their story and other micro interactions. The target audience will receive a notification from you, and more than likely check your profile to see ‘who has followed them’. As a result, if they like the content and style of your page, they will follow back.

How to get started on FollowFox:

  1. Sign up
  2. FIll out the Marketing Objective page, where you’ll detail who your target audience is, the type of followers you’d like to have and what your overall goal is.
  3. Choose your plan: Personal, Influencer or Business
  4. Get your own Account Manager assigned to you and you’re good to go!

Is It Safe?

Another good question and one I touched on above. In regards to payment and financial details, FollowFox is EXTREMELY secure. A weight off of anybody’s mind.

In regards to the service itself, FollowFox is extremely safe and law abiding. As is evident from the many people and businesses who have used FollowFox and achieved amazing growth without any accounts being banned. So yes, it most certainly is safe.

Pricing: How Much Does FollowFox Cost?

You can choose between three different pricing plans when you use FollowFox, all depending on what it is you’re trying to achieve and whether you’re an individual or a business. The first, cheapest, package is ‘Personal’. At $59 a month, this service is for people looking to boost their personal IG account. Then we have the ‘Influencer’ package at $89 a month. This is what I chose. This demonstrates much faster growth, whether for a personal IG, influencer or business. Lastly, there is the ‘Business’ package at $229 a month. This is basically an all-hands-on-deck package that works amazingly well for businesses looking for quick, organic growth.

FollowFox Pricing

What do other customers say about FollowFox?

It doesn’t take long to find some pretty amazing reviews of FollowFox online. After a quick search, here’s a few that I found:

Is FollowFox Worth it?

Balancing everything out from my experiences with FollowFox, I can state with absolute certainty that yes, FollowFox is very much worth it. Within the first month of signing up, FollowFox managed to get me 832 more followers. I kid you not. It didn’t stop there though, my followers kept coming and coming! In the second month, my Instagram saw 1,221 more followers, and in the third — 1,131, and the fourth, 1,632 extra followers. Literally the best decision I ever made for my business was to ask FollowFox for help, and my online presence is continuing to grow every day and business is doing great!

